Over the years, we constantly tell newcomers to the field of Information Technology (IT) Security to “GET INVOLVED” in the security community, but do we truly tell them how or where to begin? If you are new to a field the last thing you want to be is a poser. In the past, CyberGuider has published related articles that speaks to the newcomer in what to do to help them get involved in the community by doing CTFs, joining local or online groups, attending security conferences or training’s, listening to recommended security podcast, etc. This week, if not any, has affirmed my belief that getting involved in the security community early on is crucial to help build successful relationships and foster information sharing. You will soon see that the community is small but tight knit which makes a world of difference for your development and growth.

Due to the recent quarantine orders, many organizations are offering free security training to boost your skill set while staying in place. One such company is Black Hills Information Security who offered a FREE webinar with John Strand/Team.
On the day of the class the energy was super amplified due to the isolation situation (I’m sure we were all ready to talk to someone other than ourselves, our kids or cats). The attendees of like-minded people grew into the thousands helping and communicating with each other. This is when I thought to myself, “This would be an awesome experience for a newcomer”. What was impressive about the group, separate from the amazing training materials, was the wealth of knowledge shared that was not a part of the training material from various level of professionals. I learned about a couple of obfuscations and others technical tools that was not on my radar that would have made past task easier. It is for this reason why CyberGuider believes sharing the knowledge gained; and your willingness to help each other is why you are reading this article now.
The list of tools below and their functionality are impressive and useful assets to have in your toolkit. I learned a long time ago not to re-invent the wheel but improve upon its design.

Here are the list of tools:
Description: Obfuscate PowerShell scripts by replacing function names, variables and parameters.
Description: PowerShell Obfuscator.
Description: A cross-platform assistant for creating malicious MS Office documents. Can hide VBA macros, stomp VBA code (via P-Code) and confuse macro analysis tools. Runs on Linux, OSX and Windows.
Description: A fully configurable and extendable Bash obfuscation framework. This tool is intended to help both red team and blue team.
Slingshot C2 Matrix
Description: The Slingshot CS Matrix Edition was made in collaboration with SANS, Ryan O’Grady, and C2 Matrix contributors. The goal is to lower the learning curve of installing each C2 framework and getting you straight to testing which C2s work against your organization. Slingshot C2 Matrix Edition is ideal for red team, blue team, and purple team functions.
Description: PyArmor is a command line tool, used to obfuscate python scripts. Bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts.
Description: Canarytokens helps track activity and actions on your network.
Description: TrevorC2 is a client/server model for masking command and control through a normally browsable website. Detection becomes much harder as time intervals are different and does not use POST requests for data exfil.
Description: GTFOBins is a curated list of UNIX binaries that can be exploited to bypass local security restrictions.
These are just a few. Some of these tools I knew about and some I had no idea, but I am willing to try them. In this process both you and I will learn, build upon, and teach someone else how to use these tools. This is how you add value to the community whether newcomer or long timer. Being a part of the community, CyberGuider shares its information to ultimately help the next person. Your job is to pay it forward to individuals starting down the IT security path.
Lastly, attending training like Black Hills gives you exposure to new information and group of people for future collaboration. In addition, your growth in this field could be stagnant if you don’t forge key relationships in the community. Half of the battle is showing up and being willing to learn so…. ASSEMBLE YOUR CREW!